E-commerce Me Out to the Ball Game
Solving Problems Mean a Better Run Scored, More Fun Results
It seems only a short time ago that people were complaining about connecting the bases of social media and social commerce (eCommerce). Discovery of an ‘innovation process’ is your greatest competitive weapon if applied in a strategic manner, it’s all about having people work smarter and more efficiently and producing more revenue. You don’t even need to know how the technology works; you do it for your bottom line. The lost art base running is being missed on the field – artistry of not getting the people, process and technology sequence out of sync.
A review of the game action at E-Commerce stadium reveals…most ecommerce players are missing their target audience, the art of base running is SEO (product/service 1st, business and branding 2nd ) is the star player. At the end of the day, consumers do not care about the business, or the stakeholders running the business…consumers are searching for products and services.
The real trick here is to score runs with Google. Google is for all intents and purposes in complete control of the shoppers’ destiny. There is definitely some competition, but for the most part, if people want to find anything they go to Google.com first!
Let us look at how running each of the bases on the infield will lead to a grand slam in your social media and social commerce strategic initiatives.
First Base – Encountering where you want to go and how to get to home plate with your vision or problem statement. Pose those heresy/heretical questions for whole brain thinking.
Second Base – Equip your people with the right balls. Seek the “opinion leaders” within your organization or customer base to make the running the bases easier to cross home plate for results and significance.
Third Base – Empower the stakeholders through the “right” measurements for “correct action” and not corrective action.
Home Plate – You are now scoring runs (results) through “execution” of a plan. Utopia arrives when you have your initiatives on all the bases; a long-ball hitter comes to the plate and blasts the ball into the stands for the revenue grand slam.
Batter-up question:
If you needed a pinch hitter who would you trust…the rookie or the proven clutch player?
Find a social media and ecommerce team that has been swinging and scoring runs with countless successful stories, grand slamming e-commerce engines, and performing social media triple plays… then swing for the fences!
“Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.” – Babe Ruth
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